Through self-portraits in different settings, I am interested in examining ideas of the scale and identity of my own body in relation to other bodies. My intention is to interrupt the process of perception by altering the rules of conventional photography. In "Cell-Portraits" for example, I address the idea of the "selfie" as a photographic practice that has been displacing the traditional idea of the self-portrait and that questions this artistic genre in the social media era.
From painting to photography, the self-portrait has been executed mainly by artists, although with the popularity of smartphones and the birth of the “selfie” this genre has been slowly displaced to remain in an ambiguous state. I am interested in fostering an encounter between both worlds, where the selfie is still a disposable photograph and a conversation with more individuals, and the self-portrait is an image of contemplation that involves many decisions of the artist.
By projecting my own image, a figure that is outside the average, I hope to question not only what is considered normal but also the assumptions that are produced from this new type of images that are defining the way in which the body is represented today.